Monday, July 23, 2012

5 months??? OMG!

Hello everyone!

I am so amazed at how time is definitely flying!  I have a little over a month until the school year starts, which means I will no longer be with my new little buddy all day long.  And she's already 5 months old!  That's almost half a year! (yes, I am freaking out a little, lol) She's a little rolley-polley now, and loves turning over, especially when she hears a voice on the other side she's not already facing.  I love watching her grow, and learn and discover new things.

So, as I have mentioned before, I have been trying different products on Pearlee's hair.  Her hair is thick and curly, but it has a tendency to get extremely dry. 

Every night after her bath, I wet her hair (if it's not already wet from shampooing every 2-3 days) and then I seal in the moisture with coconut oil  and jojoba oils.  Then, I comb her hair out with a regular comb---no baby combs this way honey!
TWA style at a wedding
  My go-to style is a TWA -teeny weeny afro, with a hair band.  When I style her hair with little ponytails i use this:
It smells really good and is made of all natural products.  The only downside with using this is that it holds EXTREMELY well.  I had her hair in a ponytail at the top and her hair hardened and stayed in that form until I washed it out.  And I don't care for it to style with afros either because it doesn't leave her hair as soft as the oils do.

Since Pearlee is only 5 months, I don't want to overdo it and put too many products and chemicals on her scalp.  So for right now, these will do.

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