Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Getting back to being "Me"

Hello everyone!

Man, I am not meaning to  only post once a month, but it's starting to seem that way, huh?  Honestly, I am starting to find a balance with finding time with Pearl and fulfilling my needs, but by the end of the day, I'm too tired! But trust me, I am enjoying my time with her for the summer. :)

One activity I am excited about starting is my workout regime.  Pre-pregnancy I was a self proclaimed gym junkie! I seriously was in the gym like it was a second home, and I was even training to run my first marathon...until I found out I was six weeks pregnant.  And then I had some early complications, so I stopped working out.  So, like many moms, I "enjoyed myself" during my pregnancy and gained (brace yourself) a whopping 65 pounds!  I lost 34 of it right away, and I've lost an additional 12 lbs after that.  But man it's hard work getting off baby weight!

I'm taking a break from the gym right now, only because I'm finding it more convenient to workout at home now that I have a child.  This past week, I've been doing the Insanity workout and I'm already seeing results!

day 1-Insanity workout

day 5--3 1/2lbs lost!

Mind you, I'm also eating right (for the most part) and I'm still breastfeeding, so I can't lose a large amount of weight at one time without risking too many toxins from getting into my bloodstream.  But I'm satisfied with this routine.  I usually do the workout while she's taking a nap, and it's only 40 minutes to an hour long so I can workout, take a shower and then clean, watch TV, or anything else before she wakes up.  Or on her days when she is fighting a nap I put her in her swing and she'll be content long enough for me to finish.

Speaking of time for myself, I'm about to get ready to have a girls night out with some friends.  The boo is putting her to bed for me.

Or maybe she put him to bed?  Haha, we definitely have a daddy's girl, don't we?

Until next time.  Be blessed :)

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