Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Pearlee!!!!

So... I know I have been slacking on keeping up with this blog lately, but I have been so busy with work and keeping up with my baby girl, but now....
She's a whole year old!!! Happy Birthday Pearlee Girlee!!!

Me: Happy Birthday hunny bunny!  How do you feel about being a whole year older?


Clearly she doesn't understand the concept of celebrating her birthday, but that's okay, I took PLENTY of pictures to tell her when she gets older.

I ended up having a small gathering of immediate family for a party at my parents' house.  And I LOVED her cake.  It was a giant cupcake!

 The top, or "frosting" is actually a mini 3 layered cake. The bottom is 3 layers as well with all buttercream frosting.  Big Shoutout to Brownsugar Bakery in Chicago for such an awesome cake!

As far as other milestones, Pearlee is doing a lot of cruising furniture and is starting to dance--a lot.  It's soooo cute to see her start waving her arms or bouncing her legs the moment she hears music.  Her personality is starting to come out.  She's extremely playful, loving (she's always giving kisses) and just generally happy baby.  She is starting to show signs of tantrums by falling out when she doesn't get her way.  I usually combat this behavior by ignoring her.  For the most part, it works; then she gets with her grandparents and I have to work it out again, lol.

Pearlee with her uncle
 I sometimes still can't believe it's been a year already!  I am so blessed and thankful for this little girl!  Being a mom is becoming one of the most rewarding journeys I have ever traveled and we are far from stopping!

And this is the memory I will treasure of my little girl!  Happy Birthday!

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