Tuesday, June 26, 2012

4 months already???

Hello everyone!

It has been a long time since my last post!  Since my summer vacation has started (one of the benefits of being a teacher), I have been extremely busy, especially with keeping up with the little one.  I have taken on the task as stay-at-home mom.  For the most part, Pearl doesn't wake up until 8:30 or so (which I'm told I'm lucky because that's considered pretty late), but this morning, she had the nerve to wake up at 4:45 am trying to talk and gurgle and everything else! Girlfriend was definitely trippin!  I nursed her for a while and she finally went back to sleep, and still woke up at about 8:15 am.  Needless to say, I'm a little tired.

On Friday, Pearl officially made four months!  We went for her checkup where she also had to get her shots (which she took better than I did) and she now weighs 12 lbs and is 25 inches long.  It's pretty small for the average 4 month old, but as long as she's gaining weight, she's okay.  And trust me, she's eating well :)

So far, my little one has rolled over from her tummy to her back, and can death grip almost any object in her reach--so much for my cute dangly earrings right now.

And her hair is getting extremely THICK!!!  And it's really curly and growing very healthy, so the coconut oil is definitely working, but now I have to comb it more often and think about actually putting it in little ponytails to keep it from tangling up.  Coconut oil is a good moisturizer but definitely not a styling agent, so I have to buy something for her.  I'm probably going to go by Whole foods and see if there are some good natural hair products that are good for her.  Stay tuned for a review.

Until next time :)

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